Two Tulips (recto); One Tulip (verso). Original public domain image from Getty Museum. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseA brown bear walks past a buzzard eating its prey and an adder hissing at the buzzard. Colour lithograph. Original public… Image from public domain licenseBlad met ornament van vogels tussen ranken met bloemen en vruchten (c. 1700 - c. 1850) by anonymous. Original public domain… Image from public domain licenseVerdure with Chateau and Garden by Katharine Ghuys the Widow Guillaume Werniers. Original public domain image from Getty… Image from public domain licenseMetamorphosis of a Small Emperor Moth on a Damson Plum by Maria Sibylla Merian. Original public domain image from Getty… Image from public domain licenseKatsushika Hokusai's birds and sunset, from Album of Sketches (1814) vintage Japanese woodblock prints. Original public… Image from public domain licenseSarus crane in rice field, vintage Japanese animal painting, by G.A. Audsley-Japanese illustration. Public domain image… Image from public domain licenseChinese peacock and flowers (17th century) vintage painting. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of… Image from public domain licenseRibbon samples (1919) bird wings pattern in gold. Original public domain image from The Smithsonian Institution. Digitally… Image from public domain licensePeacock and flowers (ca. 1840) vintage painting by Nagasawa Roshu. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis… Image from public domain licenseLa Femme au Perroquet (1898) by Angelo Jank. Original public domain image from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseThe 18th century illustration of a brown bird with red head on carnation stem with butterflies. Original from The… Image from public domain licenseCloud (1821) painting by John Constable. Original public domain image from Yale Center for British Art. Digitally enhanced… Image from public domain licenseAntique books lined up, from our own original public domain library collection. Image from public domain licenseRooster brand molasses, Bryan Bro's. New Orleans (1891). Original public domain image from the Library of Congress.… Image from public domain licenseLes Coquecigrues (1792) pattern art background. Original public domain image from The Smithsonian Institution. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseGreat horned owl. Bubo virginianus bon (1874) by L. Prang & Co., Original public domain image from the Library of Congress.… Image from public domain licenseKatsushika Hokusai’s Japanese owl, Album of Sketches (1760–1849) paintings. Original public domain image from The MET… Image from public domain licenseChinese birds and flowers (1430-1500) vintage painting by Yin Hong. Original public domain image from The Cleveland Museum… Image from public domain licenseCock Bird & Dogs (1901). Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseStanding Ruff painting in high resolution by Gerardus van Veen (1620-1683). Original from Getty Museum. Digitally enhanced… Image from public domain licenseJapanese cranes (18th century) vintage painting Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. … Image from public domain licenseLarks painting. Digitally enhanced from our own 1842 edition of Le Jardin Des Plantes by Paul Gervais. Image from public domain licenseKatsushika Hokusai's birds, from Album of Sketches (1814) vintage Japanese woodblock prints. Original public domain image… Image from public domain licenseJapanese cranes with bamboo (18th-19th century) vintage ink and color on paper by Kano School. Original public domain image… Image from public domain licenseDesign from Gray, Maine 1800 (no. 1): From Proposed Portfolio "Maine Wall Stencils" (1935-1942) by Mildred E. Bent. Original… Image from public domain licenseKatsushika Hokusai's owl, from Album of Sketches (1814) vintage Japanese woodblock prints. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain licenseRed parakeet (1830s) vintage Japanese painting by Mihata Joryu. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute… Image from public domain licenseJapanese peacocks and bamboo (1539–1613) vintage painting by Tosa Mitsuyoshi. Original public domain image from The… Image from public domain licenseParakeet bird painting. Digitally enhanced from our own 1842 edition of Le Jardin Des Plantes by Paul Gervais. Image from public domain licenseJapanese cranes (18th century) vintage painting Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. … Image from public domain licenseSpotted pardalote bird painting. Digitally enhanced from our own 1842 edition of Le Jardin Des Plantes by Paul Gervais. Image from public domain licenseAesthetic African flamingo, (1889) painting by George S. Harris & Sons. Original public domain image from The MET Museum.… Image from public domain licenseAmerican eagle badge (1890) by Andrew B. Graham. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseU.S. state coats of arms. Original public domain image from Wikipedia. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseA brown bear walks past a buzzard eating its prey and an adder hissing at the buzzard. Colour lithograph. Image from public domain licenseOwl on magnolia branch (1870-1920) vintage woodcut. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseRaffle this Evening (1880) by Molten, J. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseWild turkey (1872) by L. Prang & Co., Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseStendysse on the edge of the forest. Dyrnæs (1919) by Poul S. Christiansen. Original public domain image from The Statens… Image from public domain licenseCivil War envelope showing an eagle carrying an American flag in its claw and a serpent in its beak with motto "The early… Image from public domain licenseJapanese peacock (1810s) vintage woodblock prints by Kubo Shunman. Original public domain image from The Art Institute of… Image from public domain licenseThe favorite for 1885, Willimantic thread. Willimantic Linen Co., 200 yds, 50 (1870–1900) chromolithograph art. Original… Image from public domain licenseHorned owl on a branch (19th century) vintage Japanese print by Kubota Shunman. Original public domain image from the… Image from public domain licenseThe white peacock, vintage Japanese woodblock print by Helen Hyde. Original public domain image from The Smithsonian… Image from public domain licenseJapanese peacocks and bamboo (1539–1613) vintage painting by Tosa Mitsuyoshi. Original public domain image from The… Image from public domain licenseWhite-fronted goose, vintage painting by G.A. Audsley-Japanese illustration. Public domain image from our own original 1884… Image from public domain licenseThe golden eagle that flies at the Auburn University's football game every year. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s… licenseNoah's Ark (1901). Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseA bear and a lynx hissing and growling at each other over the prey, a hare. Colour lithograph. Image from public domain licenseTwo pigeons (1889 - 1927) vintage Japanese woodcut prints by Oshin. Original public domain image from the Rijksmuseum. … Image from public domain licenseJapanese pheasant (1658–1716) vintage painting by Ogata Korin. Original public domain image from The Cleveland Museum of… Image from public domain licenseChinese falcon attacking goose (1780) vintage painting by Yoshida Rankō. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis… Image from public domain licensePeregrine falcon (18th century) vintage Japanese painting. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of… Image from public domain licenseBrown and yellow duckling chicks. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Image from public domain licenseEagle, aesthetic print. Original public domain image from the Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseMy eyes - here's the owl man (1882), vintage chromolithograph. Original public domain image from Digital Commonwealth.… Image from public domain licenseEagle (18th century) vintage Japanese painting. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. … Image from public domain licenseA brown and black farmyard cockerel. Coloured lithograph by P W M Trap after J G Keulemans. Image from public domain licenseStrix africana (Spotted Eagle-Owl) (1838) animal art by Nicolas Huet. Original public domain image from Wikipedia. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseChaffinch (1840) bird illustration by Joseph Wolf. Original public domain image from Yale Center for British Art. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseFree brown chicken image, public domain animal CC0 photo. Image from public domain licenseTwo birds: a red, brown, white and black spotted bird and a white, grey, black and red spotted bird sitting on a branch.… Image from public domain licenseSix different specimen of monkeys and apes shown in their arboreal habitat. Coloured etching by T. Brown after J. Stewart. Image from public domain licenseA brown falcon sitting on a rock. Gouache painting on mica by an Indian artist. Image from public domain licenseFree chickens and rooster image, public domain animal CC0 photo. Image from public domain licenseBirds with foliage during late 4th–mid 5th century floor coverings in high resolution. Original from the Minneapolis… Image from public domain licenseFree brown chickens image, public domain animal CC0 photo. Image from public domain licenseCute owl png sticker, animal cartoon illustration on transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. licenseChicken png sticker, farm animal illustration on transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. licenseVermilion flycatcher painting. Digitally enhanced from our own 1842 edition of Le Jardin Des Plantes by Paul Gervais. Image from public domain license